How to Rewrite ChatGPT Paragraphs to Remove AI Detection


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04,Mar 2024

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ChatGPT is a great way to quickly come up with high-quality content. You can use this type of content for marketing purposes, educational purposes, academic purposes, and more.

But, the main issue with ChatGPT content is that it can be detected by AI content checkers. That can cause issues in many different ways.

In this post, we’re going to be looking at how you can rewrite and change ChatGPT paragraphs to remove the chances for them to get detected by AI checkers.


Reviewing ChatGPT content with AI detectors


First of all, let’s give you a look into how the AI detection works. We’re going to use the AI checker by Copyleaks. It’s quite popular and it’s more popular than any of the other ones that we’ve tried out.

Here is some content that we asked ChatGPT to create for us:



In the dynamic world of healthcare, the relentless pursuit of innovation propels us toward groundbreaking advancements in medical treatments. From the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the frontiers of gene editing, science is forging paths previously deemed impossible.

Precision Medicine: Targeting with Pinpoint Accuracy

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all treatments. Enter precision medicine, a marvel where therapies are tailored to the individual, down to the molecular level. Imagine a treatment plan that considers your unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. It's not science fiction; it's the vanguard of modern healthcare.


And when we checked this with Copyleaks, here is what the results showed up:





Now let’s talk about how you can rewrite ChatGPT-generated content to make it more human-like so that it is not detected by AI checkers.

How to Rewrite ChatGPT Content to Remove AI Detection?


As we talk about each step, we will apply it to the content that we pasted above. Then, we’ll run it through Copyleaks one more time and see how it works.


1.      First step, get rid of the verbosity and wordiness


One of the major giveaways of AI-generated content is that it is wordy and it is way more verbose than it needs to be. Human-written content, on the other hand, is briefer and more concise.

For example, take this paragraph:



In the dynamic world of healthcare, the relentless pursuit of innovation propels us toward groundbreaking advancements in medical treatments. From the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the frontiers of gene editing, science is forging paths previously deemed impossible.



You'll notice right away that the words "dynamic," "relentless," and even "groundbreaking" are all unnecessary in the first sentence. We could easily write the sentence as:

In the world of healthcare, the pursuit of innovation propels us towards advancements in medical treatments.

It still makes sense and it is clearer to read.

When we apply this to the whole content, here is what we get:



In the dynamic world of healthcare, the relentless pursuit of innovation propels us toward groundbreaking advancements in medical treatments. From the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the frontiers of gene editing, science is forging paths previously deemed impossible.

Precision Medicine: Targeting with Pinpoint Accuracy

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all treatments. Enter precision medicine, a marvel where therapies are tailored to the individual, down to the molecular level. Imagine a treatment plan that considers your unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. It's not science fiction; it's the vanguard of modern healthcare.





2.      Second step, replace difficult words with easier synonyms


This is somewhat similar to the step that we’ve just described except that we’re not just removing words, we’re replacing them.

Once you remove the extra words, the ones that you will be left with will still be somewhat difficult and confusing. This is something that ChatGPT does inherently.

Let’s show it to you with an example. Here is what the passage looks like now:



In the dynamic world of healthcare, the relentless pursuit of innovation (newer solutions) propels (takes) us toward groundbreaking advancements in medical treatments. From the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the frontiers (field) of gene editing, science is forging (creating) paths previously deemed (thought to be) impossible.

Precision Medicine: Targeting with Pinpoint Accuracy

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all treatments. Enter precision medicine, a marvel where therapies are tailored (adjusted) to the individual, down to the molecular level. Imagine a treatment plan that considers your unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. It's not science fiction; it's the vanguard of modern healthcare.



The synonyms are all mentioned in brackets in front of each of the words. Here is what the passage looks like when they are applied:



In the world of healthcare, the pursuit of newer solutions takes us toward advancements in medical treatments. From the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the field of gene editing, science is creating paths previously thought to be impossible.

Precision Medicine: Targeting with Pinpoint Accuracy

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all treatments. Enter precision medicine, where therapies are adjusted to the individual, down to the molecular level. Imagine a treatment plan that considers your unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. It's not science fiction; it's modern healthcare.



3.      Third step, change the sentence structures and make them simpler


Another thing that you may have noticed in the passage that ChatGPT gave us was that the sentence structures are needlessly convoluted in various instances.

You should change the structures of such sentences so that they look more human-like and are easier to understand. This will make them automatically less detectable by AI content detectors.

Here is an example. The original passage contains the sentence:


From the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the field of gene editing, science is creating paths previously thought to be impossible.

If we simplify it and change the sentence structure, we get something like:

Science is creating new paths that were previously thought to be impossible; from the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the field of gene editing.

Get the idea?

Now if we apply this technique to the whole passage, it becomes something like this:


The pursuit of newer solutions takes us towards advancements in medical treatments in the world of healthcare. Science is creating new paths that were previously thought to be impossible; from the microscopic battlegrounds within our cells to the field of gene editing.


Precision Medicine: Targeting with Pinpoint Accuracy

The days of one-size-fits-all treatments are now gone. Enter precision medicine, where therapies are adjusted to the individual, down to the molecular level. Imagine a treatment plan that considers your unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. It’s modern healthcare, not just science fiction.



The Results


Now that we’ve taken all three of these steps on the content, let’s take a look at what the AI detector says:





As you can see, the content is now being shown as “human text.”

There are some issues in the flow of the text, we admit. But that’s the thing. Human-written text is never perfect. That’s one of the things that defines it. Even professional writers can slip up and make a certain sentence slightly clunky.



Bonus step: Use An Online Paragraph Rewriter to Remove AI Detection


Before we give this post a wrap, we wanted to share another useful tip or step that you can follow during this process to make it easier.

When you want to change words with their synonyms or when you want to change the sentence structures, it can be a bit difficult to do if you have a limited vocabulary or if you don’t have a lot of writing skills yourself (which is fine, don’t worry).

To resolve this difficulty, you can try an online paragraph rewriter. The tool makes various types of changes to the provided text, and it can be great if you’re looking to remove AI detection from ChatGPT content.


A Real-time Removal of AI Detection with A Paragraph Rewriter:

We passed the same AI-detected content through a paragraph rewriting tool. The tool changed a maximum of machine-generated words and phrases from our input with their synonyms that look more like human written.


Demo of the Tool:




Now, let’s check the output with the same AI detector tool.





We are amazed at such an accurate conversion of AI-generated content into purely human writing. In the same way, you can sue the paragraph rewriter to remove all the instances of AI detection from your content with just a single click.





Before we end this post, we should make something clear.

It is not ethical or correct to deceive anyone by giving them ChatGPT content lightly edited to make it look like human work. If a client asks you to manually create content, you should do that.

The post above was for people who want to create and use ChatGPT content for themselves but they don’t want it to get flagged as AI. We don’t encourage any shortcut methods or unethical measures to write content and make money.

With that said, we hope that the post above was helpful. We hope that you learned something useful that will come in handy the next time you need ChatGPT content to look more human-like.

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